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For public adjusters

Get more leads, close more deals

We send leads for property damage claims to your cell phone seconds after they happen.

Our AI monitors radio, websites, and social media in all 50 states for fires, floods, hurricanes and other disasters then sends them to you seconds after they happen.

How it works

Simple setup - no IT required


Pick a location

Choose from over 2000+ counties across the 50 US States from our easy-to-use dashboard.


Add your team

Invite as many team members as you like. Everyone will get the leads on their phone and in their email.


Start getting leads

That's it! When we detect property damage in your location a new lead will be sent to you in seconds.

Leads you can act on quickly

Everything you need for prospecting

Property Data

Each lead includes the property address, value, size, type (residential vs commercial), and a link to a photo and directions.

Structure Info

Radio Recording & Transcript

Listen to the original radio recording and read the original transcript of the lead event.

Structure Info

Low Price - High ROI

A net positive investment after closing just one deal.

Average lead value
Yearly leads on Perch Alert
ROI per location

Team Plan


Per Metro Area

  • Real time text-message alerts
  • Property data and address
  • Unlimited team members
  • Other firms can subscribe to the same location
Free 14-day Trial

Exclusive Plan


Per Metro Area

  • Real time text-message alerts
  • Property data and address
  • Unlimited team members
  • Scanner exclusivity, no other firms can subscribe to the same location
Free 14-day Trial

Frequently Asked Questions

Perch Alerts is the only emergency alert platform that sends you property damage leads in real-time.

How long after property damage is confirmed is a text sent?

Immediatly! Unlike humans, our AI system doesn't sleep, doesn't make mistakes, and acts instantly.

Once damage is confirmed, you will receive the alert on your phone seconds later.

How accurate are your alerts?

Incredibly accurate. We use recent advances in AI (ChatGPT) to classify alerts so you only get leads for real property damage. If it's a false alarm we won't send out an alert.

Can you integrate with our CRM?

Yes! We currently integrate with Hubspot. We are also working on a Pipedrive integration now. If you have other requirements let us know, and we will get them built ASAP.

Free 14 day trial.
No Commitments.

Signup and start getting leads today.

Perch Alerts Perch Alerts

Perch Alerts: Real-Time Leads for Public Adjusters — Copyright 2022